Saturday, March 17, 2012

Photos from the week

Ya, I love them!

Thanks for taking the photo Paige!

Playing at the park on a beautiful sunny day. I get so many funny looks for wearing sandals while everyone else is still in parkas. I think it's really funny. Someone once asked me, "Hai freddo? (Are you cold?) To which I responded, "Sono sempre caldo!" (I am always hot!) We've been soaking up all the sun we can. And really, it's been almost 70 degrees here people! Aren't you hot in that big coat?!

Chewing on her strawberry, her new favorite fruit

A little playdate with our friend Ada while her parents spoke at a Forum at JHU.

Outside at Julie's, another beautiful day.
It's taken weeks for Taryn to work up the courage to go through this play tunnel. I did a little happy dance when she finally went through on Thursday!

Spinach, everywhere! On the walls, on me, on Taryn's face etc.. She thinks that feeding her self is super fun, which leads to hands moving up and down in excitement which flings the food on her hands everywhere! Oh, funny messy girl!

All ready for Saint Patrick's Day! Is it really the middle of March already?!?


  1. Brianna I don't think I ever told you this but I think you family is so stinkin cute. Your daughter is so stinkin cute and I never get enough of them:)

  2. Erin! I can't believe how long it's been since we've seen each other! And your adorable babes are getting so big! Hope you are all doing well! Love ya!
