1. He is always happy
2. He makes me laugh everyday
3. He is great with children (especially our nieces and nephews)
4.He has the biggest heart.
5. When he makes us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, he makes mine with Chunky peanut butter (cause he knows I love it) and his with smooth peanut butter.
6. He is so dapper
7. He downloaded country music onto his ipod so when we drive in his car, we can listen to some of the music I like (Taylor Swift)
8. He is very complimentary. I feel like a princess!
9. He leaves me random love notes everywhere
10. He loves to quote movies just as much as I do (especially Emperor's New Groove)
11. He recently won free itunes money and after buying himself a couple of songs he turned to me and said, "Ok, what songs do you want?" Always so giving!
12.He is so willing to try new things. Like avocado. I put some on his sandwich one day and he loves it now!
13. He is BIG into holidays and BIG into family traditions. It makes special occasions even more fun!
14. He has such a strong testimony of the Gospel.
15. I LOVE TYSON!!!!!!!!!