Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rice Cereal

Rice cereal was a success! After five minutes with the first try she was done. A couple of days later she was all for it! I know the pictures are blurry- good thing Tys got a great video! We love our flip camera and will be postings some of our family videos soon!

Monday, June 27, 2011

An Off-beat day

Yes, baby girl, I know how you feel.

Today was one of those- everything that could have gone wrong did- crazy hot... why do I live in Arizona again?- I can't believe this happened-horrible, no good very bad day (name that book).

After getting ready and having breakfast, it was time for me to do what I hate doing most.
Take Taryn to get her shots.
I just hated the thought of a crying unhappy baby. In line at the Shot building, paperwork filled out, I turned to the lady next to me and said, "OH NO!" She gave me a worried look- sensing something was wrong with her mom radar, and I quickly got out of line and headed back to the car. Taryn hadn't taken any Infant Tylenol and I knew this day would be a busy one and I wouldn't have time to head home right away to give her some after.
I drove down the street looking for a CVS/Walgreens. How is it that while I am driving any where else I see those stores on EVERY corner. But when I need one fast...there's none. Finally- a grocery store!
Hungry baby. I had everything timed. But I didn't factor in the medicine detour. So I resorted to feeding Taryn in the grocery store parking lot. Good thing our air conditioning is super fantastic and it was nice and cold in the car. Into the store we went to get medicine, gave it to Taryn and back to the Shot building we drove. Quick detour to pick up things we had left at my sister-in-laws and then on our way.

The Shot building was closed for lunch. Seriously? Did they not know what I had just gone through? Did they know how hot it was outside? Luckily there was a small company operating in the foyer right outside the Shot place so it was nice and cool. This is where I sat and waited. Why did I wait? Because there was one hour before the Shot place opened and one hour left before my doctor's appointment a couple miles away. Good thing about this break...I was able to talk to Tyson on his lunch break (yeah! A plus for the day!) and I also had the afternoon Soap Opera to keep me entertained (I do not get what people see in those shows..blah!) By this time I knew this day was over. But it keeps getting better!
Normally people are only allowed 3 strikes and then their out. Not me. I like to go big or go home. I'm early for my doctors appointment. I was a little happy about this though because on the drive there I passed a wonderful gelato store They have always been out of my favorite flavor so I knew going in the middle of the day would guarantee I would get it. What a perfect way to waste 10 minutes. SAVED BY A NICE COLD TREAT....or so I thought. Monday just happens to be the day they are closed. Bust.

Went to my doctors appointment, saw a friendly face that made me smile, and headed...yup...you guessed it...back to the Shot Building.

Got there. Baby crying cause she was done with the car rides. Yes- Open! Paper work ready, baby doesn't know whats going on. Mommy is bracing herself... Lady who is to inflict the pain on my precious girl asks me to hold her down. Taryn starts crying even before the shots. She knows whats coming. Shots are given and baby is furious and hurt. My poor girl. . Bad news...I know she is going to fall asleep before we get home but her diaper is WAY FULL. Crying baby + changing a diaper= angry baby/mean mommy. After trying to change a screaming baby, I walked out of the restroom to women and children looking my direction. I could read their thoughts. If only they knew the whole story.

Done.So done with the day. I would consider it a miracle that I am in a good mood. I think I gained a lot of perspective from church yesterday that made me think differently about crazy little things like this. So why do I share it? Because I think it's hilarious. How many of us have had 100 days like this. Where all you want to do is go back home. You can call me a first time mom...because I am. I am learning as I go. And you know what... it's kinda fun!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Smiles from a 4 month old

Hold on! She's how old?!? Seriously it's already been 4 months...when did that happen?
Taryn is starting to show more personality lately and she is a riot! Definitely has a sassy side and loves to smile. Lately she's blabbling more and amazing us with her ability to move around on her belly (really I don't know how she gets so far from her blanket sometimes)

She is also as healthy as can be! 15 lbs and 26 inches ranking in the 85% and 96% for weight and height. That makes me happy. Today we will start her on rice cereal...camera in hand...loving Taryn all the time.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The 8th to Graduate

This hot little seƱorita, who happens to be my sister, the youngest of 8 Scott kids did something great yesterday. She graduated from High School. But not just any high school. Laguna Hills High School - LHHS- GO HAWKS! Do you know what this means?
The Scott's have ended their 21 years at LHHS. All 8 children graduated from that high school. Is it crazy to think how rare that really is!?! She is loving being a BYU Summer student and can't wait to start a BYU-Idaho soon after that.
Remembering back to high school got me thinking about what all of us had done there. Participating in student government, sports, theater, photography, art, dances, assemblies etc....
High school was a very fun time in life. I am glad that the time has past for me but I will always remember LHHS with fond memories.
Congrats Brooke- way to finish up the dynasty! :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tyson's First Father's Day

The Menu: Breakfast
California Eggs Benedict (the avocado was the main reason I made these for Tyson)
Homemade cream cheese and lemon curd danishes
Orange Julius

Father's Day was a very fun, food filled day. Tys and I both feel very lucky to have great fathers in our lives. And I am grateful for a wonderful husband who is a great father.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


We happened to be in downtown Phoenix as they set off fireworks for a nearby sporting event. Taryn watched the fireworks intently until there was nothing left in the sky. I hope she is this good with all the loud noises on the 4th of July!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Reading with Little T

This past week Taryn and I enjoyed many mornings of "takin' it easy" I came down with the head cold and she was not doing too well either. So we got out the books and read together. She really loves The Hungry Caterpillar which is one of my favorites.

I loved those mornings. Even being sick is fun with her.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Leaving France, now onto Switzerland!

My sister Mackenzie as transferred to Renen, Switzerland. This means, with her mission being split and changed and disolved (Lots of changes!), she will be in the Lyon, France mission for the rest of her mission (as it is renamed) and she has the Murdocks for her mission president/wife still! She has been in Grenoble, France for a long time and she is excited for the change and to be a Senior Companion. She is totally looking forward to her new companion with whom she has done exchanges with. They are opening this area together for the Gospel to be heard and it's so exciting!
Mackenzie said she was glad she was able to stay in Grenoble for so long because this last transfer was very successful! She leaves many "amis" (investigators) for the next companionship to work with and a baptism as well (hopefully many more too!)

Though her mission is hard and there are times of frustration, she has always been able to stay positive. I admire her for her hard work and dedication!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Free is Best

The craziest indoor maze I have ever seen behind my two loves

We were told that on the first friday of every month the Phoenix Childrens Museum does a "Free" night. Entry for adults and children is free and that means tons of people taking advantage of the loads and loads of fun there. I . COULD. NOT.STOP.SMILING!
The best place for children (we were even debating if it was better than disneyland for kids under 5) As adults, we were laughing and playing and having a blast. You think a children's museum has to be only for kids? No way- these people know just how important it is for parents to have just as much fun too.

I can't wait to take Taryn back when she is old enough to walk and really experience the fun.

Wall of shoes- certain rooms require "shoeless" activity. Way awesome

The Noodle forest (pool noodles hanging from the sealing). This was my favorite. And Taryn was kicking and trying to touch the noodles as we tried to make it through. OH.SOOO. FUN!
This was one of many "Baby Zones" complete with nature sounds, soft toys, and sleep cushions. She was relaxed and comfy (crossed feet- so cute!)

Another "Baby Zone"

Tyson is wearing a father's day tie Taryn made him in the Craft room. They have a giant Castle in the room that kids can paint, and paint, and paint and paint. I love that they just let the kids be kids. Such a unique "Museum"

Friday, June 3, 2011

Pack n' Play

Tyson and Taryn

Packing is in full swing over here and sometimes it's nice to take a break. Taryn and I both find packing all day overwhelming. She can always bring a smile to my face. This weekend will be filled with adventures and good friends. I am looking forward to it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A little fun in the Sun

For some Memorial Day fun we got together with the Smith Family (all together -missing Grandma and Grandpa Smith) and did some swimming. Taryn loved the water! At first we thought she would just sit poolside and we would stick her feet in until she cried. Not this babe! She didn't even mind being splashed! I took her in up to her chest and we just floated around. I loved it and I am so glad she loved it too! It's crazy to think that the next time we will all be together will be in about a year from now when Grandpa and Grandma Smith get back from Thailand after completing a 3 year mission. Until then we will love our Skype sessions !