Friday came and we celebrated this little girl all day long. We tried to carry a "mini" theme throughout the day starting with mini Ego waffles for breakfast. During the move, I misplaced my box of birthday banners, candles, hats I had no candles for the morning. But Taryn, knowing it was her birthday, wouldn't eat anything until she could blow out her candle. Thinking fast, we grabbed a skewer, cut it in half, and lit it (several times) and sang "Happy Birthday" several times. And she loved it.
Skyping with family.
She got a kick out of anyone singing "Happy Birthday" to her.
Opened she never wanted to unwrap them... mama always had to help
Played with friends (and lots of balloons thanks to the blowing skills of Paige & Brittany)
I love this picture. Logan totally busy playing away with the balloons. Taryn SO EXCITED to blow out her candles, and Paige prompting Ada to sing "Happy Birthday."
Lynne & Logan, Taryn & Me, Paige & Ada
I let her snitch over and over again. It's her birthday!
And most of her guest were her age and didn't eat any cake anyways- the adults had slices from the other side :)
My sister Brittany wanted to make Taryn's birthday cake as a present...and because we don't have an oven she thought it would be helpful. It was SO HELPFUL! She even brought over birthday candles that she had when I told her I couldn't find our box of birthday goods. Tyson said the cake had "the perfect cake to frosting ration" (coming from a guy who doesn't like cake, that's saying a lot!)
We kept her birthday celebration super simple.
Mini nutter butters, mini cookies/oreos, teddy grahams.
I think it was perfect for Taryn.
She did have a case of the birthday blues's her birthday...she can cry if she wants to.
I've heard birthday blues are normal- too much attention, excitement etc... for one little kid to handle.
She's been asking for presents, cake, and candles ever since :)
Happy 2nd Birthday, Taryn.
You have brought so much joy into our lives.
You bring us laughter into our every day life.
You have taught us so much.
We love your silliness.
We love your kisses and hugs.
We love you.