Wednesday, February 1, 2012

More snow for us!

Piazza Cavour

The back of San Petronio Basilica

Side street off of Piazza Maggiore

San Petronio Basilica and the Piazza Maggiore

Neptune Fountain

San Domenico Church

Beautiful snowflakes on my glove

We checked the weather reports for all around Italy earlier this week while planning our adventures. We had to postpone Venice because of possible flooding but we were able to go to Florence. It started snowing around 2pm and we had seen more than we thought possible on my Master list so we returned home with the hopes of seeing Florence again and finishing our list. The snow grew heavier and heavier as we chugged along heading north. Back in Bologna, we were greeted with a white sheet of snow covering everything, and it was still coming down!

We woke up this morning to beautiful snow, continuing to fall even as I type, with more than a foot of snow on the ground already. During Taryn's morning nap, Tyson stayed home and I ventured out to the Piazza Maggiore to take a few pictures of it covered with snow, which I've wanted to do ever since I found out it snows in Bologna. We thought that what we got in December would be the extent of our snow experience. But now with the forecast calling for snow until Monday of next week, our views have greatly changed.

So, even though I have tons of pictures I want to share with you from the past couple of days, I want to first show the beautiful snow of Bologna.

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