Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tyson's Home !!!!!

 Best welcome home ever! 
Tyson came home on Monday night to Taryn jumping up and down, screaming with excitement (and me all too excited to have my love home again.) After the longest hug in history, Taryn wouldn't let Tyson out of her sight. She followed him around the house, and made sure that he was still in the bathroom as she impatiently knocked 100 times on the door calling, "Daddy, open da door!!!!" until he was done.

 Tyson brought home a special China fish purse for Taryn to tote around her toys. She couldn't wait to put something inside and loves it so much!

 Those faces!!! Where does she get it?!

We are so happy to have Tyson home and I can't wait to share a little bit of his China adventures.

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