On Christmas Day it was bright and sunny but the snow still stuck to the ground in certain areas. We opened gifts, ate our Christmas Sausage Casserole (tradition!) and got ready for church. As we walked to the bus stop, the bells of the nearby church started to ring. It has been Tyson's wish ever since we moved here to her the bells on Christmas day. We loved the wonderful sounds and smiled during the whole walk to the bus (we also got to hear them on the way home!) We just barely made the bus to church...running down the street trying to beat the bus in high heeled shoes....I was sure I would break my neck. We were laughing and couldn't believe me made it! The ride to church was particularly beautiful because of the snow covered walk ways and drive ways of pretty homes and cobblestone. Church was wonderful and Tyson blessed the sacrament in Italian. I was very proud of him! I got teary eyed as we sang Silent Night in Italian. Having a baby this year has made Christmas more dear to my heart than ever before. The thought of a wonderful gift brought to the world as a little baby boy has been so powerful to me. I've thought more about Mary and what she could have thought or done. I've thought more about the simplicity of the season but also the great message as well.
We headed home and Taryn napped while we got things ready for Julie and Paolo's. They invited us to spend Christmas Day with their family and the Elders. On the menu- Mexican food. And I was so excited for it! We enjoyed eating, playing with kids, laughing and talking. Good friendship is so uplifting. We are very blessed to know Julie and Paolo and have been thankful for all they have done for us. We ended the night with a Skype conference call from Mackenzie with Texas, Utah (phone), California, Switzerland and Italy. It's amazing what we are capable of doing with technology!
I really wanted a picture of Taryn with her first snow ever. Sometimes it's just better when Mom holds baby :)
Before I even read your post I thought they should totally go to midnight mass how cool would that be in Italy! And you did! Yeah Merry Christmas friends!