I will have to get a picture of the church sign in Thai. Maybe next week we will be in a building with a Thai church sign because we have been visiting different wards and branches. Having translators can be hard sometimes but I am amazed at their knowledge of both languages. It's not easy to translate Thai into English and still catch everything that is going on. The missionaries and members are amazing.

Another baby at church! Would you believe me if I said that this Thai baby is 8 months old? That makes her 3 months older than Taryn but they look the same size. Taryn does well with other babies and is gentle with them when they are close enough to touch.

I love this picture! When I was around 3 yrs old my mom would ask me to smile and I would shut my eyes tight and grin. Hopefully Taryn will learn that "smile" means to keep your eyes open!
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