My little sister Mackenzie married Ben two days after Christmas. They have such a unique style and their wedding portrayed it so well. Everything about the day was beautiful. The Bride & Groom, the sealing, the wedding colors, the gorgeous 83 degree weather (which I totally did not dress for!) and all the locations.
Ben & his sister Ivy were amazing!
Taryn took a handful of pictures when she got hold of the camera. Some of Mackenzie & Ben, Tyson, and Bubba, her little stuffed dog :)
The adorable Bride & Groom
Seriously! I love this place! And that little girl!
My brothers, Cameron & Tyson
The Newport Beach Temple
Mackenzie & Ben were sealed in the same temple Tyson & I were. It was a small, beautiful temple and I couldn't be happier for their decision to be married there.
Mackenzie & I are just 18 months apart.
So many memories I have are of us together. I love her so much! Can you believe she found that dress at a Vintage Shop for under $30 ?!!
The Dana Point Yacht Club
Taryn slept right through this picture. Made me so sad but I knew if we got her up she would wake up grumpy and probably cry for the photo. Next time...

Dancing, dancing, and more dancing! Taryn was on the dance floor almost the whole night. She was twirling, flipping, and running around with cousins or anyone who was there. She had no fear and never wanted to step off the floor- only for a slice of wedding cake, some dinner and when it was Ben & Mackenzie's turn but I tell you what… it was not easy keeping her off the dance floor for those few minutes!
My little golden girls who made it through the whole reception even with the 3 hour time difference. Adjusting to the time zone was so much smoother this time than in the past. Maybe Taryn lasted all night long at the reception because she crashed on the way over to the Dana Point Yacht Club. We placed her underneath the water table with a blanket for a pillow and she napped for a few hours. And Hadleigh can sleep almost anywhere.
Asleep on Tyson's shoulder right before we put her under the table to finish her nap.
It was a whirlwind trip out to California but we loved being there and celebrating Mackenzie + Ben.
Thanks to my sister Megan for taking so many great pictures so I could use some of hers for this post!
Thanks to my sister Megan for taking so many great pictures so I could use some of hers for this post!
Love these pictures! I didn't take any. I might steal some from you. :)