On PIE day (3.14) the girls helped me shred the lettuce for our salad. That salad spinner was one of the best gifts I ever received. It's like my mom (whom I'm pretty sure was the one who gifted it to us) said, "Here is a tool that will make helping with dinner fun for your kids!" This is their favorite job- "the salad spinner."

Tyson was super excited about this Blueberry pie I made. The streusel topping made it amazing. Though I accidentally doubled the recipe and now have streusel in my freezer. It's already come to good use for some blueberry muffins! The pie was yummy and perfect for Pie Day :)
Sadly, our girls didn't want the pie so they had watermelon popsicles instead.
It's been a lot of fun to make more of an effort to celebrate the holidays, big or small in our family. It brings something new and exciting into our day, like when we had Green eggs and Ham for dinner in honor of Dr. Seusse's birthday (though I had to leave out the "green" because Tyson and the girls wouldn't have eaten it.)
I love those cute faces!
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