Paint your pumpkin
Go for family walks before the rain starts
Watch the rain fall from your windows
Paint with water color
Wash and fold lots of laundry in preparations for a possible power outage
Color with our dry erase crayons
Jump on the bed to release all our energy
Play catch with Daddy using balls or fake fruit
Read lots and lots of books
Play with mommy's jewelry
Drink lots of hot chocolate ( with lots of marshmellows)
Play anywhere and everywhere with your toys
Dress really cozy and stay warm because IT"S SO COLD!
And when you need a break from the inside, you get dressed up in your snow jacket (again, because it is SO COLD!)
Play outside and jump in all the puddles.
Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts over the past weekend as we dealt with the Super Storm Sandy. Our prayers go out to those who were so badly effected by this natural disaster in our neighboring states. We were safe in our little basement apartment and grateful that we didn't suffer from any damages. We never lost power and had our stock of emergency food and supplies ready. Before and after the storm, we were touched by our neighbors, friends and families who reached out to us and others to make sure everyone was ok. Even though we may have not been surrounded by family (my sister was in Utah) we felt the love and care from our fellow Church members and good friends immediately around us.
We loved having time as a family to play, dance, laugh, read, and rest together.
So glad you are safe. Being in doors for so long can be so hard for little ones. You did a great job keeping Taryn entertained. What great parents.