Friday, September 21, 2012

Missing Him

We started to really really miss Tyson by the end of the 2nd week of his schooling. I had prepared myself all summer long for his return to school and the fact that I would not be seeing him as much. I think I handled the first week back at school very well. But by the time that 2nd Friday came around and it sunk in that I hadn't seen Tyson before 9:00pm or later each night for 2 weeks (with him leaving at 8am every morning too for work)  it made me sad. I know we only have 8 more months of Graduate School but that doesn't change that fact that it's stinks not to have him around as much anymore. 

The other day Taryn spent the day calling me "Daa-ee" and asking where Daddy was. Anytime I spoke on the phone, she would ask to have it so she could talk to "Daa-ee." She loves her Daddy so much. In the past when she wakes up, she would call for "Mommy, momma, mommy!" Now she says, "I wan Daa-ee! I wan Daa-ee!" And every time I tell her that he is coming home later.  She jumps at every little sound outside and thinks it's "Daa-ee"

So all of this helps me cherish the time I get to spend with Tyson. Like the long family walk we took on Saturday night up the hill to Arlington Ridge. And the couple of wonderful hours where Taryn and Tyson got to walk to &  play at the park together while I ran to the grocery store. 
 And maybe the times I have kept Taryn up 30 minutes past her bed time so she can see her Daddy at the end of the day. 
I still get the biggest smile (ok- you know I almost cry every time) when Taryn spots Tyson coming through the door, starts jumping up and down, and runs to Tyson to give him the biggest- longest- hug ever, followed by a sweet little kiss. 
 I want to remember that forever.
He's almost done with week three of school and I can't believe how fast it's already going by. Well, maybe for us, not so much for Tyson who has to do all the work! 
-  I have had this post written for days now but didn't know if I wanted to publish it. I like to think of myself as an independent person who doesn't complain and can manage just fine by herself. Maybe this is my huge slice of humble pie. I can't do everything by myself.  Coming from a person that doesn't like to ask for help at all- that's a hard pill for me to swallow.  Isn't that what marriage is about? Joining two lives together, realizing that two is far better than just one (and...three is better than two ... so on and so forth). Missing your other half is normal and expected. Maybe it's the thoughts and beliefs of society creeping into my head telling me that I can do just fine as CEO of my little family. But guess what? I am not the CEO. I am Co-CEO and so is Tyson. We work together. With the both of us, things run more smoothly. I am happy to be the Co- CEO with Tyson for our little family. Together, we make things work. -


  1. This was beautiful! I'm so glad you decided to post it! This is how I feel about my family with Ken still...and for the past almost 20 years!!!! Love you!

  2. I feel your pain. Devin is at work and studying for CPA exams probably 12-14 hours of the day. I told Devin I will help plan our dates (we decided to make it an FHE activity every few weeks), but as the head of the house hold...I want him to initiate it. I understand the co-CEO thing.

    Also, it is weird being in a new place and alone much of the day. I totally relate.

  3. Oh Brianna, what a great posts. A family takes two- Mom and Dad. When David is gone it feels like everything comes crumbling down. He is such an integral part of our family. It's wonderful that Taryn recognizes her Dad and I also think its wonderful that she misses him.
    Remember that these school years don't last for forever. It gets better.
    Lastly, missing Tyson doesn't make you any less of a strong or independent woman. You are the co-CEO and without your other half, it's just not the same. Hang in there, babe!

  4. Sometimes I miss my husband and I get to spend hours with him everyday. Hopefully Tyson can save a little energy for you at the end of the day.
