Thursday, December 5, 2013

Her little tea parties

A few weeks ago I went to the free clothing exchange (same one I went to last year) and found a cute plastic cup and saucer. My friend brought us an extra one she got just a few days later (Thanks Lynne!) Taryn has loved having tea parties with her stuffed animals and enjoys it even more when she gets to have a "special treat" like Lucky Charms cereal during her tea party. 
I pour a little bit of water in a big cup for her and she pours the water into her cups and gently sips. She uses the doll blanket I made as a girl for a table cloth or picnic blanket and gathers her special friends around. She always asks me to "talk for her"- or speak for her stuffed friends. Once while we were having a tea party during lunch, I pulled out my fake British accent and called everything we ate, "crumpets." 
I still have the image of Taryn's precious smile and cute little laugh as we played together. 

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