Taking Taryn to the beach was the most exciting thing for me. I wanted to put her toes in the sand, let her feel the cold ocean water, and put her in the little swimsuit and watch her soak it all up. After breakfast I was jumping up and down telling Tyson, "Ok, are you ready to go back to the beach? Lets get our swim suits on- we have to take Taryn for her first beach experience!" (come on mommies, you know what it's like to experience something for the first time with a child)
So we packed up diapers, towels, and a boogie board and headed to my favorite beach cove. I love that parking is easy (and free) and there are never too many people. I loved every minute of watching Tyson boogie board while Taryn sat on my hip, mesmerized by the waves. The California blood runs strong in Taryn's veins!
This is my idea of a perfect day.
im right there with you, i was so excited to take my girls to the beach for the first time. it was everything i expected and more. now they are hooked!