Way back to Memorial Day, we had a fantastic BBQ at our friends home. The kids were all about these U.S.A balloons. This is also where we learned our family really loves Corn Hole.
I love all these photos of my girlies at the spray park. It was one of our first trips to the spray grounds for the summer and the girls went crazy for it! I love the pure joy that comes from them playing in the water on a hot day. Just look at those faces! Taryn had to wear a swim cap to protect her head wound that she got from falling at the zoo. Her wound didn't close with staples so we had to just leave it open but it closed up super fast, Thankfully.
We went to Goodwill one day to hunt for camping supplies (which we found, yay!) and the girls had a lot of fun playing with the random objects around the store :)
More spray park fun but this time with friends. These kids are so much fun.
That little head in her purple helmet. She picked out her new helmet and made sure it matched perfectly with Taryn's helmet. I love those little signs that these two sisters love each other.
My girls and me :)
It's always better in Daddy's shoes
Plenty of play time with our good friends. We had the BEST pizza with the Haley's a few weeks back. We ordered from Ledo's Pizza. The kids loved their pizza and watermelon, while the grown ups loved their HotLanta BBQ pizza. It was so interesting and yummy! We've realized more and more lately that we LOVE jalapenos. I've been cooking with them more and they add just the right amount of kick.
At the end of a gymnastics round, Taryn and Ethan played around with one of their coaches. Taryn discovered a few terms ago that she could lick and stick her ribbon to her head. It's all she wants to do now when she gets a new ribbon.
Oh this was such a fun little moment in time for Haddie. Dressed in full Elsa attire, she belted out the words to, "Let it Go!" and sang it with feeling. I happened to catch it on film and I will put it on our YouTube channel (which I'm working on updating!)
There's always time for a tea party.
Taryn and Haddie love tea parties and using my tea set from when I was a kid. We made lots of "crumpets" or sandwiches cut into mini triangles, little plates filled with popcorn, bite sized watermelon, apples and popcorn. I love watching them use my old tea set and also use my blanket as a tablecloth that I made for my doll. I love these girls!
Just a regular day filled with dress ups! I love that way Haddie looks up to Taryn. They may fight and know which buttons to push to bug each other, but they are so cute together when they want to be.
Fun while shopping with Daddy
Sometimes after our swim lesson, we would decide on a whim to head to a spray park. Our Special Habor is a favorite of ours!
Swim lessons with our buddies! It was a total accident that we signed up for lessons at the same time as the Tripp girls but what a happy coincidence.
This is Haddie' happy place. By the pool, still wet, with her hat, lunch and water by her side.
A few weeks ago we were able to attend an event near the U.S. Capitol, remembering our friend Nate Graham who tragically passed away almost 8 months ago, and benefitting his 4 young boys and their future college funds.
More spray parks! This time a new one to us- The Yards Park in D.C. It's our new favorite!
Haddie has also perfected her belly flop :) This always brings lots of smiles to her face - silly girl.
My twin niece and nephew turned 1 year old this month! I made them their smash cakes, doing a watercolor technique which I hadn't tried before. I'm learning!
Cow Appreciation Day was so fun! We met up with our friends and all the kids got to eat together. Haddie kept saying before we got there, "We going to get a cow!" or just dress like one, Haddie :)
Taryn and Haddie are rocking their summer reading charts! Their favorite prize so far for reading a 40 books was silly putting. Not my favorite choice but they've been so happy with it.
I love that this summer has been full of fun, learning, and family time. So much to come too!
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