These summer days have been the best.
Right before she fell in the water! No tears for her though. She was happy just to be throwing rocks and getting wet.
This Summer has been filled with lots of great family memories. We've taken every single Saturday we had and planned something off of our Summer 2016 Bucket List. It's kept us busy, happy, and exploring new areas. I LOVE IT!
We took a walk on the Four Mile W & OD ( Washington & Old Dominion) Trail along a river one night after dinner. The kids brought their scooters and we walked behind talking. It was a beautiful night and Taryn found the "perfect spot" for skipping rocks.
Bucket List Item: Cabin John Regional Park in Maryland.
There is a giant park with a mini train running around it that we've been wanting to try for some time now. The park is shade covered thanks to a canopy of tall trees around us. There was so much to see and do! It was also a really humid day so we took lots of breaks, drank water, and ate snacks to keep our energy levels up.
There was "Porky the Litter Eater" who talked to you when you put trash in. The girls thought it was hilarious. What a great incentive for kids to throw away their trash.
We took a train ride on this darling little chugger. Taryn and Haddie were SO excited. But after about 5 minutes, the train took a turn and two carts jumped off the track. Thankfully no one was hurt but it meant the last of the ride for us (and anyone else waiting in line)
So we walked back. ;)
Because we were all the way up in Maryland, we had to slide in our #2 Bucket list item for the day.
Rocky Point Creamery!!!
There is nothing better than ice cream on a hot day... ok, maybe jumping in a pool!
Taryn devoured her Cotton Candy ice cream and Haddie just picked the mini M&M's mix in out of her amazing strawberry ice cream. Tyson and I would definitely go back again. The ice cream was so creamy!
Haddie loved the baby cow and kept hugging him.
When we pulled up, the girls started squealing with delight. Then Taryn proclaimed, "I want to take a picture with the COW!!!!!!" So here we are :)
They created this fun play structure out of an old combine. What a great use for something that doesn't work anymore. Brilliant!
This is my favorite picture of me and the girls! I love their cute smiles and those gorgeous sunflowers as our background.
I tried to get a picture of just Hadleigh but she was scared of the bugs getting on her. She's out "must be clean" girl for sure.
Taryn was happy to explore and let me take pictures of her throughout the sunflower patch.
It's exciting to cross off items of our Summer 2016 Bucket List and the girls enjoy the activities too. I know a lot of people of have recently said that having kids has slowed down their fun, or it's harder to do things, or they aren't doing as much as they used to now that they have kids. It breaks my heart! Yes, kids make situations a little more challenging sometimes but it doesn't have to be hard. You can still see and do SO much with kids in tow. We love sharing adventures with our girls! The benefit to their current age too is that most of what we do is either free, super cheap, and always packed with fun adventure. It reminds me of all the hard work my Dad put into planning weekends and vacations for our family.
Life is fun with children!
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