Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Snapshots of Taryn from the past year

Taryn is such a joy and full of life! I loved finding these pictures in our files last night. The bring back so many memories, funny quotes, and anecdotes. 
We love you, Taryn!  

I know, not a picture of Taryn. But as we walked through the grocery store aisles, 
Taryn saw this "Sugar in the Raw" and said, 
"Mom!!!!! Look!!!! They sell pixie dust here!"

The U.S. Capitol Building (under construction)

While out and about on a Saturday, Tyson volunteered to run in and grab some needed items from the store while us girls waited in the car. He couldn't find what he needed so it took a long time. We sent him this picture letting him know we wanted to go home for dinner :)

These princess dresses are an everyday accessory!

These puppets from Ikea were one of our favorite Christmas gifts we (Santa) gave to the girls

Just a lover of life, that girl!

These two pictures above just show how hard it is to catch a "still" shot of Taryn ;)

"Mom, look! This is my snail!"

Taryn handed me my scarf one day and said, "Mom, wrap this around my head and make me a ninja!"

Monkey see, monkey do. When Taryn puts on her princess dress, Hadleigh is quick to say "dess! dess! dess!" Then they both start twirling. 

Before Tyson left for work one day, Taryn said, "Dad! I'm going to make you a picture so you can take it to work." She told us it was a picture of "Daddy and Taryn"

Eating snow is what she was born to do :)

Such a cutie!

Just helping out Tyson on one of the snow days he worked from home.

Our little Sunbeam! We were a bit worried about how she would do in Primary, sitting for so long. But after the first few weeks, we've had multiple leaders asking us "How did you teach Taryn to be so reverent? She sits still the whole time!" Phew! She is such a good girl. Taryn loves singing time and especially doing the sign language and actions to songs they are learning. 

Our little gymnast! 

Let the birthday "week" continue!!! More pictures and quotes to come!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Taryn! Thanks for keeping up with your blog, I love seeing pictures of you cutie girls.
