18 Weeks
(This is for you, Brooke!)
My mid section did some serious overnight growth! Just a few days ago, I still had the "5 pieces of chocolate cake" belly. But then, over just a few nights, I popped! And I was totally feeling it yesterday after church. Human bodies are amazing things- making room for the little one!
I felt this little one move first just before I was 16 weeks. Those movements have skyrocketed over the past two weeks. I love feeling those little kicks. I feel like it's a peaceful way to know baby is still growing between doctor appointments (besides this new midsection accessory!)
Sometimes I feel like a little kid, but I LOVE being outside with Taryn! Sifting through the sand with her or helping her learn how to climb up a new piece of playground equipment. It's not wonder that she knows exactly what direction each park is in, If I deviate from those courses, she gets so sad (like when I try to walk to Costco!)
I'm excited to pick strawberries for the first time in my life with Taryn at Schlagel Farms (the same place we got our pumpkins!) hopefully soon before all the strawberries are gone!
My baby sister is not a little girl any more! She leaves on Wednesday to begin her 18 month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am so excited for Brooke and I know I will miss talking to her cute, funny, full of personality self! St. Louis, Missouri- you sure are lucky to have her :) She told me that when she returns, our 2nd child will be 1 year old exactly. How crazy is that?!?
This past weekend we spent a fun Saturday morning together as a family (so rare!!!) We took a variety of buses and the metro to get to the church in order to clean it from top to bottom. Tyson's calling is Facilities Coordinator so every three months he goes every Saturday in that month to clean the building. I really enjoy the process because I feel so great the next Sunday, going to church in a building that I can contribute to in cleaning and making it beautiful. The adventure continued as we walked around parts of Arlington and Alexandria- dreaming of our future home and Tyson hoping that one day his Saturdays will include mowing a big lawn and cutting bushes (no joke- that's his dream and I love it!) Old Town Alexandria was bustling with Saturday morning crowds. We saw cute little boutiques all of which I want to go through and those cute trollies that Taryn loved! We found a fun new place to eat at and we promised that we would be back soon to Old Town so we can enjoy the Saturday Farmer's Market.
It was a great weekend that ended with a family lunch with my Uncle & cousin that we haven't seen in ages! I love that I also have a sister close by to join in on the fun.
You are an adorable pregnant woman! :)