Tyson took his parents to a few of the tourist locations around D.C. They have both been here several times so they knew the 4 spots they wanted to see.
WWII Memorial, The Holocaust Museum, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, and Arlington Cemetery
Tyson's Grandfather came up on the search results at the Memorial
Sherrod Smith Jr.
Mt. Vernon
It wasn't apart of our original plans but when Tyson's brother, Todd, told us about the bus tour they had reserved, we decided to join in!
Taryn adored her cousins Alyssa and Harrison. She said every night that she wanted to see "cousins" and asked "where is lyssa?" "where is Harrison?" She even said she wanted "Uncle Todd" one night :)
I took these two girls to see the animals on the Mt. Vernon estate. They both touched the soft lambs wool as the baby lambs moved about their pens. Taryn wanted the bulls to eat the hay from her hands so badly. I'm glad that they didn't want to !!
Overlooking the Potomac River
Taryn was in her element with animals, open grass fields, dirt and rocks
Arlington Cemetery was very busy the day before Memorial Day but I couldn't think of a better way to start off this Holiday. We saw the little flags placed at every grave (over 400,000 grave sites) and while we were visiting, there were large groups of people distributing roses to each grave.
Taryn sat on Tyson's shoulders while watching the changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider. I think she had the best spot in the house!
The weekend flew by but we had a lot of fun being with family and taking them around D.C./ VA
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