Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sunday in the Adirondacks Scott Family Reunion

On Sunday we found a little branch in the Adirondacks and tripled it's numbers. There was hardly any room for us as we overflowed into the side rooms and more. Everyone was so excited to see us but sad when we told them we weren't staying for the full block of church. 

Afterwards, we grabbed some family pictures before my brother Tyson had to jump on a little cessna plane and head back to his Oregon Podiatry patients.
Brittany, Seth, Cora and Braden had already left at this point as well. 

Dress ups from the 1930's

Our next stop after church was to the "Adirondack Experience" museum. It was my absolute favorite!!!!!!
I've done a lot of museums in my life and living in the D.C. area has made it so we have free access to amazing museums. But this museum tops them all. I loved how it was so hands on (much like the D.C. museums) and everyone had so much fun trying their hand at washing clothes on a wash board, walking on stilts, stick pull and so much more. 

The girls loved the school house set up like the olden days. They played in here for a long time. 

They look so cute!

The kids got to put pretend dynamite in the walls and blow it up, showing them what it was like to create railroads. They tried to virtually move logs down the river, build their own mountain cabins out of lincoln logs and the list goes on and on!

Margot, Quincy and Haddie played for the longest time in this cute little play house, making food for everyone who walked by. They even took care of several babies. At one point Haddie told me she was babysitting 8 babies. Then she gave one back to me and said it was too much for her to watch. Haha!

That apron! I loved hearing those girls interact with each other. I stayed outside the door for most of the time, just listening to them and giggling at their expressions. I was invited in for tea. That was a very special moment. :)

Berkleigh, Taryn and Nataleigh. 
I loved this little group!

Cody & Brooke

Jana and Haddie

Megan and David

Tys and Me

the girlies

Grandma and Grandpa Scott


The dock that the kids are standing on here moved up and down depending upon the weight of who was on it. The kids almost fell in several times that day but thought it was so fun to test the limits. 

Sunday night we had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows to make S'mores. 

Quincy and Haddie wanted so badly to have a sleep over so they slept next to each other in the pull out bed. Jen and I told them to "pretend" sleep when we took this photo. 

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