Heading out for our morning walk to school, these two were chatting away, matching with their hands in their pockets.
I love these little moments in time.
I've learned many new things about living through the seasons in Virginia. One of them is that in mid November after more leaves have fallen on the ground than I have seen in my whole life, everyone rakes the leaves to the street and they are sucked up by a giant vacuum attached to a truck. So on our walk to school, we jumped in the piles! I always cringe a bit thinking about bugs in those piles but the girls always love it.
This picture of Haddie was one of the last warm Fall days we had. Now we are in winter coats and I have to try and convince the girls to wear long sleeved shirts, pants, shoes and socks every day.
It's not easy! And for those who say, "Just let them outside without a coat...they will change their minds in seconds..." that worked with Taryn, but not Haddie. She is SOOOOOO strong willed. That kid would freeze before putting on a jacket. I've tested this out many times. Oh man. So we had to establish family rules for Winter. So far, they are working most of the time. We'll see how the rest of Winter goes!
As part of my "homework" while making cakes and rolling out this business on my own, I stopped by my favorite bakery, "Bakeshop" to pick up some yummy treats. I love that place so much! Haddie was happy to help to test out the treats.
The last day of soccer practice was so beautiful. It was still light outside at 5pm and the trees surrounding the park were colorful and gorgeous.
Look at those fall colors! And that cutie being a goofball!
Lately Haddie has been having lots of playdates while Taryn is away at school. If it's a time we don't host, I always realized how much I miss Haddie and having a buddy during the day. I've had a cute little girl by side for the past 5 1/2 years! I'm getting a glimpse of what my life will be like at home in just a few years when Haddie goes off to school. So I'm focusing on cakes and getting ready to fill my "free" time by baking delicious treats for others.
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