Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve
This month has been full of a lot of great family outings, BEAUTIFUL weather and lots of crazy Halloween activities that keep us all going.
We've been taking advantage of our ample Sunday family time by taking walks in new places- usually Nature preserves. Each walk fills my soul with happiness. The girls love exploring. Tyson loves planning out our route through the preserves and then to home through fun side streets. It's a win, win win.
JoySchool/Preschool at my house (only half of the kids)- Halloween themed. So of course we dressed up over and over again!
The girls knew back in August that they wanted to be For Halloween. A green butterfly For Haddie which, by the way, finding that costume in Costco just moments after Haddie's very specific request was nothing short of a miracle!And Taryn wanted to be a nice witch (another Costco find!)
But that didn't stop the girls from a month long adventure of dressing up in various costumes, just having fun!
We visited Great Country Farms back on Labor Day and loved every second of it. I was actually afraid to take the girls to another farm for fear it wouldn't live up to what they had already experienced in September. I also didn't want to pay to go to one again because in Peak Season the farms are expensive (although fun.)
Nails Produce was such a great combo of October farm fun without the steep admissions pricing and no commitment to buy anything. The tiny white pumpkins were calling my name for Thanksgiving decor though. I may have to take Taryn with Haddie and I soon.....so she can experience it...of course ;)
GOURDS!!!! How fun are these!
I love how all the colonial homes on the East decorate with unique gourds, making their homes even more beautiful. I love East Coast Falls. Seriously- I think I say this every year but I fall in love with the East Coast over and over again in the Fall.
These little buddies are the cutest together! Our playgroup is amazing. My kids love it and I love chatting with inspiring women.
This pumpkin wall is spot on. I think I will recreate this one year when we own a home.
It does feel weird to do these little outings without Taryn.
But I'm glad I've got Haddie to come along! One on one time with her is a lot of fun.
On our walk to school one day last week, Taryn ran ahead and said, "Mom, I want to hold a leaf!" Que camera! She posed for me and I love that above shot of her. Such a cutie! And all those fall leaves! It was picture day so she was excited to get her hair curled :)
These are some spooky zombies I took home with me the other day. They love Halloween!
Our Ward Trunk or Treat was at the same time as Taryn's soccer game. She was totally split between the two but ultimately chose Soccer. Haddie and I went to the trunk or treat because I was entering the Bake Off competition (I won!) Taryn and Tyson made it back in time after her soccer game to trunk or treat which was great. I was so happy to see them pull in the parking lot! I knew the cars would be wrapping up their trunks soon and that Taryn would be devastated not to have a bucket full of candy. But it all worked out. We had to improvise on a backup Halloween costume for Taryn. I had all her witch stuff but because they were pushing it on time, we decided Taryn should be a "soccer player" as her costume so she could fill her bucket sooner. It worked out really really well!
Parenting Win!
Gwen and Haddie always have a blast together! They are a year apart in age by besties for sure. After she saw Gwen's Aurora costume, Haddie went home and declared she wanted to be Rapunzel for the neighborhood Halloween parade we went to later that day.
Taryn is always on the search to make others laugh and LOVES to scare people. One of the trunks passed out these fun and goofy toys and the girls loved. I was sad that I didn't get a picture of Haddie's little goofy mask. I realized it when I sat down and sifted through the past few weeks of photos. Oh well!
The month of October has flown by and I will take a deep breathe as November and December whiz by us. I love this time of year!
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