Just look at all that yumminess! Don't worry- not all of those donuts were for us!
After cleaning the church on Saturday morning, Tyson took the Cantos Boys to Duck Donuts, one of their favorite places to go all together. Nick, Steve and Leo are blind triplets who were adopted by Ollie Cantos, who is also blind. Ollie has helped these 3 boys learn how to navigate life as a blind person and taught them how to do hard things like cleaning the church building.
They have had their story published in Washingtonian, The New York Times and more. They are incredible!
After a yummy sugar rush, we headed to the park for some much needed scooter time. Thanks to the cooler Fall weather for arriving and making the days even better!
Soaking in all that's great about childhood.
We spent a good amount of time chalking the sidewalk together. This is when the girls discovered that after chalking every inch of the sidewalk but still wanting to draw more, they gave themselves "rainbow bum" by sitting on their chalk creations :)
These 4 shots are some of my favorites of recent. I was trying on my bridesmaid outfit for my little sister's wedding in October and Tyson got sassy with the camera. All I asked for was a photo to send my sister for her approval. But instead I got these crazy pictures ;) I don't think I had one "serious" photo to send her :)
This is how our nights look. After baths and jammies, Tyson plays "ponies and princesses" with the girls while I clean the kitchen and get ready for work. I love that they get some time in each day to play with Tyson. It's sad that work consumes so much time of our lives, so fitting in a little play time here and there is mandatory to keep our family happy. The girls love playing with their Daddy and I love being able to focus on making lunches for the next day, cleaning up dinner and dishes.
Tyson is such a great Dad :)
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