Monday, August 23, 2010

Chinese Cultural Night

Our family home evening started out with lettuce wraps because of the suggestion of Elena Boushley that morning while we were swimming. She told me that I could find on awesome recipe online and I had to try it! So glad we did! It was great! I even added in the extremely spicy chinese chili sauce it called for ( I did only put in about 1/4 of what it called for though....I am weak sauce.)
We knew this would be our last Family Home Evening before school started so we wanted to take advantage of our extra time. So we jumped in the car and did the first thing that came to Tyson's mind....Chinese Cultural Center in Phoenix! Fitting for our Oriental style dinner -seriously not planned! :)
As we were driving we saw the coolest sunset! Don't you hate how pictures never do justice to what your eyes see?!?!

It was really fun to walk around...when it wasn't so hot and just take in all the ponds, kooi, statues, and signs that I couldn't read. We explored the international market and came away with some goodies! It REAKED of fish because of the huge fish tanks in the back of the market -ugh.... but at least it was cool to see! And our treats were very tasty!
Great way to spend the night!

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