Monday, March 1, 2010

22 years old ToDaY!

Today has been a wonderful day!

Tyson made my birthday cake last night- Chocolate cake with Peanut Butter Frosting. So delicious! He made it from scatch!I was surprised by a wonderful birthday display that Tyson made. There were streamers outside the bedroom door to prevent me from sneaking out before he was ready for me!

(Traditional Scott Family Birthday Breakfast- birthday cake, canned peaches and pears- Yum!) There were also surprise birthday gifts! Tyson gave me a black purse ( I broke my old one)
Mom and Dad sent me cute Easter decorations (table cloths, kitchen towels and an Egg Wreath) Janette gave me these "Egg-cellent" Easter eggs to display

Tyson surprised me with a Mary Poppins Soundtrack and the original book that the movie/musical was based on. (When he told me after seeing the play that it was based on a book I said, "Oh,I didn't know that. I would like to read that sometime!" Tyson thought to himself..."Perfect...I already got it for her!" He is so smart!


Janette stopped by to bring me the Easter Eggs and then we went to a great lunch at Smashburgers. It's a hip burger place that has delicious Veggie Fry's (asparagus, carrots, and green beans). We enjoyed splitting our burgers for a taste of each and chatting away! Thanks for the great lunch Janette! :)


This day has been filled with very thoughtful gifts, calls, texts, emails, and happy thoughts! Thank you for all making my birthday so special!

Tonight Tyson is going to take me out to eat for my birthday but I have no idea where!?! I am excited!
Love you all!

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