I think I started to notice this pure hatred last year while I was studying abroad in Italy. And I thought New York had a lot of rat birds. There were 5 pigeons for every tourist at least!
We were in Venice headed to the Duomo. We walked through the famous St. Mark's square where one of my favorite movie opening scene was filmed (Italian Job). Mackenzie and I were entranced- loving every minute of this adventure. There was a gathering of people that seemed to be growing- mostly tourists- and they just happened to be in our way to the entrance of the beautiful duomo.
As we got closer it was apparent that all the hub-bub was caused by pigeons. I still don't know why grown adults find it so much fun to feed these disgusting animals. Gross. But everyone was laughing and trying there hand at it. Our group squeezed on by, and I was trying to avoid stepping on these birds that covered the ground when.... WHACK!!! right in the face!!!! Smacked by a pigeon!!!! Gross gross and grosser! Seriously I think I poured on the Purell hand sanitizer and rubbed it everywhere!! ugh....
After we had gone inside the Duomo some of the girls decided to feed the pigeons. And this is what resulted...
The other day I was in my car driving down the freeway at about 70mph when ...WHACK!!! out of no where this pigeon (or at least that's what I could make of the smear ) hit my driver's side window after hitting my side mirror. It terrified me because that split second before it hit I thought it was a giant rock or something that was going to break the window and hit me hard. I'm pretty sure that bird died because some of it's remains were on my car. And it wasn't my fault! It hit me!
Maybe I said something to offend them. Maybe I looked crossly at one. And they spread the word to each other..."Hit Brianna, poop on Brianna, leave presents on her car"...I bet that's how they do it...
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