Taryn was so excited to start school again! She was nervous about her new teacher but that didn't let long. Once she got to know her new teacher, Taryn was set to go. She makes friends so quickly so meeting her new classmates wasn't hard for her. She is so friendly to everyone and loves to play.
Haddie started Preschool again as well. It's a co-op we have with a few of our friends. We rotate who teaches each week and Haddie loves it. Her favorite part of starting school this year was picking out a new lunch box.
We walk Taryn to school in the morning if it's not raining and as long as it's not below 35 degrees. Taryn does so much better throughout the day if she is able to get out early and walk. I love the time I get with my girls and the exercise it provides for all of us. Starting our 2nd year of walking and no sign of stopping :)
So to start out the new school year, I took each girl on a special date. Haddie has a big sweet tooth so I took her to a bakery and she picked out a treat. Then we headed to the library where we checked out some princess movies an books.
For Taryn, her special date was clothes shopping- her pick! I honestly thought she would hate it and grow tired of it within the first 10 minutes because she has never shown much interest in clothes shopping.
Boy was I wrong!
She is hilarious and made the shopping experience super fun! She knows exactly what she likes and didn't mind trying on clothes this time. I really like this new tradition of one on one dates with the girls.
With the start of school, Haddie and I have time in the day for adventures. One of our favorite places to go when the humidity isn't out of control is the National Zoo. I thought I had found the perfect hack of tackling the giant hill in the Zoo with kids- scooters!!
We were loving life with our friends, enjoying the zoo with the kids zooming along. Until we got in trouble and I was told scooters weren't allowed. Hubby what????!!!! I fought back. I was not happy. But in the end I had to carry the scooters around the zoo- UGH!
Good thing these kids are so cute and worth it! They had fun and the scooters weren't that heavy.... :)
Teaching preschool is fun and keeps me on my toes. I love these little kids! Haddie looks forward to preschool each week and playing with her friends.
A benefit of Tyson working so close to home is he can walk home for lunch and still have time to play with Haddie. This is there special time together and I LOVE it.
More adventures for Haddie include visits to various museums in D.C. I love that there are no longer big crowds because the summer tourists are gone so parking is a lot easier.
And Dance! I thought Haddie, whose been talking about dance since she could speak, would LOVE dance. But after a few classes she declared she didn't like dance. I really think it was the teacher, to be honest. Taryn had an amazing teacher and though Taryn is not one for ballet, I think Haddie would have loved having Taryn's teacher. But unfortunately when you take classes through the county, there is no way of making sure you have a certain teacher (Believe me- I've tried!)
One day after practice, I helped Haddie take off her tights. Haddie bent down and kissed her knees saying, "Hello again knees!" I think she must have missed looking right at them :)
Though she might not like dance, she LOVES dressing in her leotards with ballet shoes and skirts. She almost becomes a different person once it's on. She delicately moves her hands and starts to flutter around the home. It is the cutest!
The best thing to do after ballet is playing with your great friend in the sand.
Then there is soccer. A true love for Taryn. She has been on the same team, The Tough Puppies, since the beginning and that has been fun! This year we focused on "Little touches" for Taryn. She loved to whack that ball as hard as she could with her foot, making it go out of control. But she's learning skills and still loving the game.
Haddie always wanted to dress up in her "soccer clothes" for Taryn's practices. Which meant wearing Taryn's uniform. She look adorable in her big sister's clothes! I loved that practice was right down the street so we got to walk to and from practice. Haddie loved playing with the little siblings at the park and having me throw her in the air (it's a great workout!)
Always happy to "kick it in."
And Haddie was happy to help with making sure the gatorade was finished by the end of the game :)
Maybe one of my favorite things about soccer- the snuggles Tyson and Haddie got.
Tyson and I are big sideline parents. To me, that means we talk about the girls and marvel at their strengths and giggle as quietly as possible with their blunders. We make great sideline parents ;)
Look at that kid!
Another great season of soccer done! Taryn loves her trophies from each season and this season they added a team photo in those amazing magnet plastic "frames." Sign ups for the Spring start soon, which is crazy how fast that has come up.
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