Before the weather turned really cold, we took this walk along the Potomac. Our Sunday walks were and are always so fun. I love being together with my family, outdoors and enjoying a new place together. Tyson is really great at finding new locations for us to explore and the girls are super happy to come along. The more leaves, bugs, sticks and water the better! In this picture, the girls were busy picking leaves of different colors. I'm in the far back, helping the girls find different shaped leaves.
We pulled our Little People Nativity out- which I love so much. Every day the characters are found all over and in different arrangements. This was one of my favorites for the Christmas season, done by Hadleigh. All the characters gathered around baby Jesus. Perfect.
Back in November- I voted. I'm thankful I get to vote!
I found this in my pile of papers as I was cleaning and sorting. This is our map from Philadelphia back in August when we took a family trip out there to see the new temple and explore a "new to us" town. I love that this map is covered with notes from Tyson and the park ranger Tyson asked many questions to. It was the park ranger who guided us as to what would be the best to see and it was Tyson who plotted out the most PERFECT route for our family. As we've learned in our many many travels, food comes first, plan play time for the kids (release the wiggles) and enjoy the traditional historical landmarks.
Tyson and I go so well together. I plan what we need to see and Tyson makes it happen. He plans our route and takes into account our family's needs. He is the map holder and I make sure we've checked everything off our list.
Taryn loves reading and wants so badly to be able to read everything. She's learning quickly and I love watching her put words together.
Reading before bedtime. It's usually Tyson's favorite bed time "job" to do but every now and then, I jump in. And apparently Haddie took some photos or something!
I'm really getting into having the girls match. They don't mind it so much either! It's just so fun! I almost bought a set of matching mother/daughter floral dresses but I decided I should probably draw the line there.
All day. Every day.
You can find Hadleigh in a princess dress. Recently, she's been really loving Belle. She loved watching the original Beauty and the Beast movie with us as a family. That was the Disney movie we bought for our family this year for Christmas. It was preparation for the live action Beauty and the Beast coming out in 2017.
Hadleigh's hair is long enough to put into piggy tails! She calls them her Elsa braids but it's just so cute I can't correct her. I love them!
Preschool days. They are the best kids and I feel super lucky to have them to teach. They are all super sweet and play so well together.
Haddie came down with a super high fever - 104- for 24 hours a few weeks ago. She did nothing but snuggle on the couch with me or by herself, and watched movies and Disney channel all day long. It was so sad but I was so happy she got so much rest- drifting in and out of sleep all day. It's so hard to see kids sick.
But I do have to say that if your child has Kidney problems like Haddie does, a fever of any degree gets my mama heart pumping super fast. I tried getting her temperature several times but it was a battle. I tried making a doctors appointment to get her urine tested but had to wait until the next day. Thankfully, after having woken up before 6 am to get the one open appointment for the day, her fever had broken over night and she woke up just fine.
I can't tell you the relief I felt. I get super concerned with every fever for both the girls. And I think I will for the rest of their young adult life. U.T.I's are no fun and I will do anything to keep them at bay or get them under control quickly.
Got to keep these girls healthy!
After 24 hours of being sick, it was time for Haddie to get outside and get some fresh air. We went to a local park by ourselves and really enjoyed our time picking up sticks, leaves and playing a bit.
I'll be thankful every day for our daughters' health.
Taryn took a free hip hop class to see if she would enjoy it from a local fitness studio. She loved it so much and now asks to do hip hop class. I think it helped that she was with a friend too. Taryn loves to move and be active. It's one of the characteristics that I love most about her.
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