It's February 1st. Which means there is less than 27 days until we meet our little guy. (I am planning on going past my due date)
One thing my parents taught me about having kids is to always expect them to be late. That way you are not disappointed when they don't arrive early. So I am trying to keep myself focused on the end of February. I am still working- on my feet at least 8 or more hours a day- which has been a good thing for me (but I really think it's starting to get harder).
I go through stages of excitement/nervousness/impatience/ and anxiousness.
Tyson asked me to not have the baby on Tuesdays or Thursdays because he will be in class all day long and this semester (he last) is really hard so he can't afford to miss any days. I told him I would try to accommodate - that is, if Baby Smith is willing to do so as well :)
This past weekend my ward threw me a Baby Shower which was so nice of them. Tyson and I have been so surprised at the generosity of those around us. A crib, dresser, toys, clothes, blankets, and diapers! We are grateful for it all and hope to be as good to others as people have been to us.
Is it possible that he could share a birthday with you? ;)
Yup! If he is 8 days late which is totally possible!